Kinda forgot these little updates..
Had my first doc visit since my home preg test... They've confirmed it.. I'm pregnant! (duh). Also had blood work done... I have another appt in 4 weeks and in 5 weeks i'll have my first trimester screening. This will be my first ultrasound to make sure baby is ok. :)
Due to some really painful cramping we didn't run/walk the LA Half marathon on the 7th. We think it was really the best choice AND after telling my doc about it.. she's glad we made that decision also.
And I'm really getting sick of everything giving me conflicting advice. Caffeine is bad... drink decaf. Oh.. but the process to make decaf is harmful. Don't drink water with those little Lipton packets... Caffeine. Best to have Crystal light or Propel. However those have artificial sweeteners.. which are bad. Black licorice is bad... Black licorice is fine to have. Drink Herbal teas.... Herbal teas are harmful.. only some herbal teas are harmful.. on second tuesdays of the month and under a full moon...
Honestly.. I think the best advice I've heard so far is... do what you like.. but in moderation... And that advice came from a mother of 3 healthy children. Yes.. I'll stay away from most caffeine.. no alcohol for me, no soft cheeses or sushi... and yes, fine... I'll nuke my deli meat for 20 sec before I nosh. Most other things though.... Moderation. If I keep trying to figure it out.. I'm going to lose my mind.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Meh... Nausea blows.
For the past week or so.. while the gas has calmed down and I'm not burping as much... I've had the worst nausea without the full circle satisfaction of vomiting. Not that vomiting sounds like a great way to spend your weekend... but I would think that it might make the constant feeling of sickness calm down a bit.
I've found that a cruel trick to play on a nauseous pregnant woman is sending her to the grocery store. Nothing looks good... even the things that are on your list. And.. you walk around with this look on your face like you just tasted something rancid.
Ooh.. One thing I have found that was wonderful on the nausea... Mint Chocolate Chip shake from Baskin Robbins! That might become a pregnancy favorite!
Nicole was right though... Never ask a pregnant woman what she'd like for dinner.... It will change. What sounded good 10 minutes ago, now has no appeal. Ask her 5 minutes before the meal. She still reserves the right to change her mind after it's made too.
Other than nauseous... I'm still tired... and feeling fat. The body is swelling and storing... And I need to go shopping for some pants. I'm not sure I'm ready for preggo pants yet... but I'd love to find some kind of cargo pants that will let me expand a bit. Right now my favorites are a pair of Nike Capri pants. They sit low, expand and are comfortable. Unfortunately they ARE capris and it IS winter. Yes, it's California.. but it still gets cold.
On a cool last note... Erik and I went to Disneyland the other day. Couldn't ride any coasters, but there were plenty of other things we could do. One of the coolest things was this...

For clarification on this picture, it's a "First Visit" button, we pinned it on my lower belly, Erik wrapped his arms around me and made a heart with his hands around the button/baby area. :)
Until later.. Ciao for now! Ciao? Chow? *urp* Blehh.
I've found that a cruel trick to play on a nauseous pregnant woman is sending her to the grocery store. Nothing looks good... even the things that are on your list. And.. you walk around with this look on your face like you just tasted something rancid.
Ooh.. One thing I have found that was wonderful on the nausea... Mint Chocolate Chip shake from Baskin Robbins! That might become a pregnancy favorite!
Nicole was right though... Never ask a pregnant woman what she'd like for dinner.... It will change. What sounded good 10 minutes ago, now has no appeal. Ask her 5 minutes before the meal. She still reserves the right to change her mind after it's made too.
Other than nauseous... I'm still tired... and feeling fat. The body is swelling and storing... And I need to go shopping for some pants. I'm not sure I'm ready for preggo pants yet... but I'd love to find some kind of cargo pants that will let me expand a bit. Right now my favorites are a pair of Nike Capri pants. They sit low, expand and are comfortable. Unfortunately they ARE capris and it IS winter. Yes, it's California.. but it still gets cold.
On a cool last note... Erik and I went to Disneyland the other day. Couldn't ride any coasters, but there were plenty of other things we could do. One of the coolest things was this...
For clarification on this picture, it's a "First Visit" button, we pinned it on my lower belly, Erik wrapped his arms around me and made a heart with his hands around the button/baby area. :)
Until later.. Ciao for now! Ciao? Chow? *urp* Blehh.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
A Day In The Life of a Pregnant Noob
Ok.. so this is what I've discovered my day is like since I've gotten pregnant (non work days)
Wake up.
Wonder where all this gas I'm having is coming from.
Eat my cereal.
Pass out.
Wake up.
Have more gas.
Have a snack.
Read a couple pregnancy/runner preggos forums/web sites about something I'm curious about.
Have people tell me about a great book I should read.
Have other people tell me I need to burn that book.
Pass out
Wake up.
More gas.
Be irritated from my body "storing fat" already. How much does it think I need right now?
Drag myself to the gym.
Come home.
Eat something.
Erik kisses my belly.
Pass out till morning.
Have more gas.
Wake up.
Wonder where all this gas I'm having is coming from.
Eat my cereal.
Pass out.
Wake up.
Have more gas.
Have a snack.
Read a couple pregnancy/runner preggos forums/web sites about something I'm curious about.
Have people tell me about a great book I should read.
Have other people tell me I need to burn that book.
Pass out
Wake up.
More gas.
Be irritated from my body "storing fat" already. How much does it think I need right now?
Drag myself to the gym.
Come home.
Eat something.
Erik kisses my belly.
Pass out till morning.
Have more gas.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Baby books and more advice than I can shake a pregnancy test stick at.
So.. I met with my friend Nicole for lunch who is 6 months pregnant. I was so excited to tell her that I was pregnant. So answer me this.. how is that mothers and preggos (BTW... I'm coming to terms with that term) know that you're pregnant?!?! There are certain people that without even hinting that that was the news... They knew. Really! How do they know?! What kind of super freaky spidey sense is it? Is it the same class of super powers that mom's get of "eyes in the back of your head"?
Anyway. We had an awesome lunch. She told me so much information and the kind of information that people don't talk about. Thank you! I loved it. She mentioned a few invaluable books and web sites that have helped her keep her sanity and I know my best friend is sending me a "tell-ya-like-it-is" kinda book.
So.. Erik and I wandered over to Barnes and Noble for a look in their "Pregnancy/Baby" section. So much to choose from. I've heard that once people find out your pregnant, people start throwing books at you that have helped them. While I appreciate their wanting to be helpful, I think I'm going to stick with what i've just picked up and lean on mothers, my doctor and reputable web sites for advice.
The books we picked up were...
Your Pregnancy - Week by Week: Recommended to me and they have a web site also. It takes you though your pregnancy each week and tells you what you will probably be going through and what the baby is going through and how big the baby is at that time as well as oodles of information and advice from other moms.
Pregnancy Sucks - What to do when your miracle makes you miserable: This made me laugh. It isn't negative but it is written by a mother and it's more of a "here's the facts/myths/ and everything else" with humorous stories that kept me giggling in the book isle.
The New Dad's Survival Guide - Man-to-Man Advice For First Time Fathers: Erik saw this one and to be honest.. I think i'll give it a read too. Definitely written for the manly future father... But I was loving what I was reading while in the car on the way home.
I know I should have picked up What To Expect When You're Expecting, but I just haven't yet. Nicole swears it's saved her sanity. She even read from it to me (Bless her heart!) when I called her last night about some spotting that I was having. Perhaps I should have gotten it. I had spotting today again and while I feel ok.. I'm still a little freaked out. The book pretty much said that as long as I wasn't in pain, vomity or there's was more blood than there was.. then I'm in good shape and this kind of thing is common. It's still freaky. Everyone wants to tell you the horror stories of someone who lost their baby. I really don't want to hear it... I have enough concerns of my own thank you very much. I don't need to be reminded of the horrible possibilities.
Anyway.. that said. Yeah.. spotting is no fun but I guess I'm ok. There's a web site I go to that mentioned that this is normal this week. The baby has implanted itself into the blood-rich uterine lining and therefore I'm showing blood. It's still freaky though. I'm really antsy for my first prenatal appointment Dec 9th.
Other than that... I'm feeling ok. Still tired a lot and the girls aren't tender yet (Yea!). I took to the treadmill with my heart rate monitor on yesterday. I walked for an hour keeping the heart rate at a safe rate for baby. The half marathon will be interesting. At least I now have a really, really good excuse for walking it instead of trying for a new PR (personal record).
I'll post more in the coming days. But for now.. it's time for another nap.
Anyway. We had an awesome lunch. She told me so much information and the kind of information that people don't talk about. Thank you! I loved it. She mentioned a few invaluable books and web sites that have helped her keep her sanity and I know my best friend is sending me a "tell-ya-like-it-is" kinda book.
So.. Erik and I wandered over to Barnes and Noble for a look in their "Pregnancy/Baby" section. So much to choose from. I've heard that once people find out your pregnant, people start throwing books at you that have helped them. While I appreciate their wanting to be helpful, I think I'm going to stick with what i've just picked up and lean on mothers, my doctor and reputable web sites for advice.
The books we picked up were...
Your Pregnancy - Week by Week: Recommended to me and they have a web site also. It takes you though your pregnancy each week and tells you what you will probably be going through and what the baby is going through and how big the baby is at that time as well as oodles of information and advice from other moms.
Pregnancy Sucks - What to do when your miracle makes you miserable: This made me laugh. It isn't negative but it is written by a mother and it's more of a "here's the facts/myths/ and everything else" with humorous stories that kept me giggling in the book isle.
The New Dad's Survival Guide - Man-to-Man Advice For First Time Fathers: Erik saw this one and to be honest.. I think i'll give it a read too. Definitely written for the manly future father... But I was loving what I was reading while in the car on the way home.
I know I should have picked up What To Expect When You're Expecting, but I just haven't yet. Nicole swears it's saved her sanity. She even read from it to me (Bless her heart!) when I called her last night about some spotting that I was having. Perhaps I should have gotten it. I had spotting today again and while I feel ok.. I'm still a little freaked out. The book pretty much said that as long as I wasn't in pain, vomity or there's was more blood than there was.. then I'm in good shape and this kind of thing is common. It's still freaky. Everyone wants to tell you the horror stories of someone who lost their baby. I really don't want to hear it... I have enough concerns of my own thank you very much. I don't need to be reminded of the horrible possibilities.
Anyway.. that said. Yeah.. spotting is no fun but I guess I'm ok. There's a web site I go to that mentioned that this is normal this week. The baby has implanted itself into the blood-rich uterine lining and therefore I'm showing blood. It's still freaky though. I'm really antsy for my first prenatal appointment Dec 9th.
Other than that... I'm feeling ok. Still tired a lot and the girls aren't tender yet (Yea!). I took to the treadmill with my heart rate monitor on yesterday. I walked for an hour keeping the heart rate at a safe rate for baby. The half marathon will be interesting. At least I now have a really, really good excuse for walking it instead of trying for a new PR (personal record).
I'll post more in the coming days. But for now.. it's time for another nap.
Upcoming movies I'll enjoy! Yea!
It seems that what interests me in the movie theater goes in long cycles. Suck, suck, suck... Oh.. finally something good! Ohh and that one too! .... Suck, suck... You get the picture. We finally have come around again to where I can get excited about what is coming out in the theater. If I'm going to pay $12 a ticket, then it had better be something I like AND something that just NEEDS to be seen in the theater. Otherwise.. Netflix. I have no problem waiting a few months to see something that may or may not be good or lacks the "epic-ness" that demands the large screen.
First.. Monsters vs. Aliens. - This doesn't come out till late March, but it looks as if it's packed with some good laughs. It's put out by Dreamworks and seems like a Pixar kinda thing. To sum up... Aliens have landed and the US military have brought out their secret weapons to save Earth. A 49 ft tall woman, a brilliant but mad scientist cockroach, The missing link, an indestructible blob, a 350 foot-grub as well as other "monsters". It's an action, adventure, comedy the family can enjoy together ... and i'll be there.
Secondly... The Tale of Despereaux - It comes out in December and is another cartoon, but this looks as if it will melt our hearts. There's a whole backstory about the kingdom he lives in, but this little mouse with giant ears refuses to live in weakness and fear. He's a brave and virtuous mouse who believes he was destined to be celebrated in the tales of chivalry which he so adores. When the princess is kidnapped by the evil leader of the sewer rats, our little hero bravely jumps into action.
Third.... Star Trek - This time it's director J.J. Abrams going boldly where men have gone before... and I like it! The writer and director of the show Lost is taking on a cult classic. And by what the trailer shows and knowing J.J.'s style.. It's going to be a fun ride!
Fourth... Yes Man - Looks like we're up for another fun Jim Carey ride. Maybe not in the same category of Truman Show or Bruce Almighty, but it still looks like it could be fun. Perhaps a rental though. Jim plays this guy who always says "No" to everything but meets an old friend who invites him to a self-help seminar and changes him to a "Yes"-man. He now says "yes" to about everything and we are taken along on his ride.
Anyway.. that's all I've got for now. The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas looks dearly good too. However, as I am pregnant and trying to soak in "happy" things till I'm all pruney, then this one looks like it will have to wait. I know I can't shield myself from sadness all the time. There's sadness everyday. However, if I want to limit it for the time being... this one will have to wait.
Oh yeah.. lastly... Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The American trailer is out.. and i'd show it... but I really, REALLY enjoy the International trailer. I'll wait to post that one once I can. The movie won't be out till July 17th and unless I'm in labor at that time.. I will be waddling into the first showing of it the night it comes out.
Ciao for now.
First.. Monsters vs. Aliens. - This doesn't come out till late March, but it looks as if it's packed with some good laughs. It's put out by Dreamworks and seems like a Pixar kinda thing. To sum up... Aliens have landed and the US military have brought out their secret weapons to save Earth. A 49 ft tall woman, a brilliant but mad scientist cockroach, The missing link, an indestructible blob, a 350 foot-grub as well as other "monsters". It's an action, adventure, comedy the family can enjoy together ... and i'll be there.
Secondly... The Tale of Despereaux - It comes out in December and is another cartoon, but this looks as if it will melt our hearts. There's a whole backstory about the kingdom he lives in, but this little mouse with giant ears refuses to live in weakness and fear. He's a brave and virtuous mouse who believes he was destined to be celebrated in the tales of chivalry which he so adores. When the princess is kidnapped by the evil leader of the sewer rats, our little hero bravely jumps into action.
Third.... Star Trek - This time it's director J.J. Abrams going boldly where men have gone before... and I like it! The writer and director of the show Lost is taking on a cult classic. And by what the trailer shows and knowing J.J.'s style.. It's going to be a fun ride!
Fourth... Yes Man - Looks like we're up for another fun Jim Carey ride. Maybe not in the same category of Truman Show or Bruce Almighty, but it still looks like it could be fun. Perhaps a rental though. Jim plays this guy who always says "No" to everything but meets an old friend who invites him to a self-help seminar and changes him to a "Yes"-man. He now says "yes" to about everything and we are taken along on his ride.
Anyway.. that's all I've got for now. The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas looks dearly good too. However, as I am pregnant and trying to soak in "happy" things till I'm all pruney, then this one looks like it will have to wait. I know I can't shield myself from sadness all the time. There's sadness everyday. However, if I want to limit it for the time being... this one will have to wait.
Oh yeah.. lastly... Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. The American trailer is out.. and i'd show it... but I really, REALLY enjoy the International trailer. I'll wait to post that one once I can. The movie won't be out till July 17th and unless I'm in labor at that time.. I will be waddling into the first showing of it the night it comes out.
Ciao for now.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Well whaddya know!
Wow.. ok. Here it is....

Yup. E and I are going to be parents in about 8 months. Eek!
We had announced to family last Spring that in October, ready or not we were going to toss the birth control and give expanding the family a try. We figured that it would take a while... but.. well um.. no. Not really. If all predictions are correct according to my ovulation calendar and when we "got busy".. then we probably got it on the first try. Good Lord! Do we get a metal or some kind of award for that?!?!
One week had gone by with out my period. Ok.. I've been under a lot of stress and I'm also not on a clockwork schedule anymore with being off the pill.. so.. there was reason it could be late. However, something inside said that I was pregnant. Maybe it was just hope, but either way... I decided to take a pregnancy test. I didn't even have to wait the 5 minutes they suggest it might take. Those double lines were instant and bright red. Happiness!! Erik and I are beaming with the news. However, before we told anyone, I wanted to take a second test the next day. Sure enough. The evidence was clear. Wow. *blink, blink* =D
So.. while even knowing that many miscarry in their first trimester if it's their first baby... we still wanted to share. I know some people are like, "No.. you shouldn't tell anyone until after 3 months just incase you do miscarry!" Come on. Seriously? I don't think these people have every been pregnant. Knowing that kind of news is impossible to keep in. My theory is this... anyone I tell are family and friends and people I'd feel comfortable telling I had a miscarriage anyway. And those of you who are reading this that don't know me that well... well.. if you cared enough to read my ramblings, sure.. why not. I'm not going to live out this pregnancy in stress and fear. Happy mommies = happy babies and if I have anything to do with it... this baby will come out healthy and laughing. So.. Please don't cramp my style with these warnings. Really. Isn't life enough of a stress than to constantly worry about whether or not I'm going to miscarry any moment because I told people??!!
Yup. E and I are going to be parents in about 8 months. Eek!
We had announced to family last Spring that in October, ready or not we were going to toss the birth control and give expanding the family a try. We figured that it would take a while... but.. well um.. no. Not really. If all predictions are correct according to my ovulation calendar and when we "got busy".. then we probably got it on the first try. Good Lord! Do we get a metal or some kind of award for that?!?!
One week had gone by with out my period. Ok.. I've been under a lot of stress and I'm also not on a clockwork schedule anymore with being off the pill.. so.. there was reason it could be late. However, something inside said that I was pregnant. Maybe it was just hope, but either way... I decided to take a pregnancy test. I didn't even have to wait the 5 minutes they suggest it might take. Those double lines were instant and bright red. Happiness!! Erik and I are beaming with the news. However, before we told anyone, I wanted to take a second test the next day. Sure enough. The evidence was clear. Wow. *blink, blink* =D
So.. while even knowing that many miscarry in their first trimester if it's their first baby... we still wanted to share. I know some people are like, "No.. you shouldn't tell anyone until after 3 months just incase you do miscarry!" Come on. Seriously? I don't think these people have every been pregnant. Knowing that kind of news is impossible to keep in. My theory is this... anyone I tell are family and friends and people I'd feel comfortable telling I had a miscarriage anyway. And those of you who are reading this that don't know me that well... well.. if you cared enough to read my ramblings, sure.. why not. I'm not going to live out this pregnancy in stress and fear. Happy mommies = happy babies and if I have anything to do with it... this baby will come out healthy and laughing. So.. Please don't cramp my style with these warnings. Really. Isn't life enough of a stress than to constantly worry about whether or not I'm going to miscarry any moment because I told people??!!
Speaking of cramping my style... *sigh* Now, if you know me, you know I'm such a "full contact" kind of woman. I Like playing flag football, I own my own pair of cleats, I have bruises from heaven knows what, I have run 4 half marathons so far and about to wog (walk/jog) my fifth in less than a month. Experts even encourage exercise while pregnant, but while at the gym tonight, I became more aware of how I'm having to limit what I can do and monitor my heart rate so it doesn't go up too high... it's a little frustrating. Oh I have NO problem doing it. Whatever is best for the baby.. but in the 1st trimester I'm supposed to be extra careful and then continue being cautious and monitoring my heart rate when I exercise to keep it lower. It's just frustrating is all. It's like being told that you can fly but you just have to have to stay in this enclosed bubble and can't go too far.
Last thoughts before I cash it in for the night...
1.) My pregnant taste buds. Interesting. I've found that citrus is the new Chocolate for me. I had a Ruffles potato chip and nearly had to spit it out. Bleck! At this rate... eating healthier while pregnant shouldn't be a problem.
2.) Also, while I always love cat-naps.. it feels like I can't get enough sleep sometimes. I'm Sooo tired! Cats don't mind though.. they just snuggle right up to me and we nap together.
3.) And yes, Erik has been awesome this past month while we've been trying. He's got full trash and cat litter duty and carries the heavy stuff and makes sure I haven't forgotten my vitamins and extra Folic Acid. It makes me feel awesome knowing how blessed I am having a husband/father-to-be who's so excited to be a father.
Ok. enough ramblings. It's sleepy time
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Old Blog Reborn!
11/18/08: SWEETNESS!!! A free blogging site! Win! I hope this works well. I was going to miss not having a place to blather and update friends and family about my life!... cause you know.. I'm sooooo Interesting! *yawn*
My business site: Well, it's finally up. However, I'm having some uploading problems which I can't figure out at the moment and am writing here this very moment because I can't take anymore frustration today with it. You can find it at
Do, Do, Do DoOOOOOO!!: Whoo-Hoo!! It's my sister's birthday tomorrow!

My business site: Well, it's finally up. However, I'm having some uploading problems which I can't figure out at the moment and am writing here this very moment because I can't take anymore frustration today with it. You can find it at
Do, Do, Do DoOOOOOO!!: Whoo-Hoo!! It's my sister's birthday tomorrow!
Happy 30th birthday sis! Love you dearly! Don't worry, the 30's are wonderful!
Anyway.. glad I found this site. I don't think I'll have as much flexibility as my last site.. but I'm hoping for the best!
Anyway.. glad I found this site. I don't think I'll have as much flexibility as my last site.. but I'm hoping for the best!
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