Monday, November 24, 2008

Baby books and more advice than I can shake a pregnancy test stick at.

So.. I met with my friend Nicole for lunch who is 6 months pregnant. I was so excited to tell her that I was pregnant. So answer me this.. how is that mothers and preggos (BTW... I'm coming to terms with that term) know that you're pregnant?!?! There are certain people that without even hinting that that was the news... They knew. Really! How do they know?! What kind of super freaky spidey sense is it? Is it the same class of super powers that mom's get of "eyes in the back of your head"?

Anyway. We had an awesome lunch. She told me so much information and the kind of information that people don't talk about. Thank you! I loved it. She mentioned a few invaluable books and web sites that have helped her keep her sanity and I know my best friend is sending me a "tell-ya-like-it-is" kinda book.

So.. Erik and I wandered over to Barnes and Noble for a look in their "Pregnancy/Baby" section. So much to choose from. I've heard that once people find out your pregnant, people start throwing books at you that have helped them. While I appreciate their wanting to be helpful, I think I'm going to stick with what i've just picked up and lean on mothers, my doctor and reputable web sites for advice.

The books we picked up were...
Your Pregnancy - Week by Week: Recommended to me and they have a web site also. It takes you though your pregnancy each week and tells you what you will probably be going through and what the baby is going through and how big the baby is at that time as well as oodles of information and advice from other moms.

Pregnancy Sucks - What to do when your miracle makes you miserable: This made me laugh. It isn't negative but it is written by a mother and it's more of a "here's the facts/myths/ and everything else" with humorous stories that kept me giggling in the book isle.

The New Dad's Survival Guide - Man-to-Man Advice For First Time Fathers: Erik saw this one and to be honest.. I think i'll give it a read too. Definitely written for the manly future father... But I was loving what I was reading while in the car on the way home.

I know I should have picked up What To Expect When You're Expecting, but I just haven't yet. Nicole swears it's saved her sanity. She even read from it to me (Bless her heart!) when I called her last night about some spotting that I was having. Perhaps I should have gotten it. I had spotting today again and while I feel ok.. I'm still a little freaked out. The book pretty much said that as long as I wasn't in pain, vomity or there's was more blood than there was.. then I'm in good shape and this kind of thing is common. It's still freaky. Everyone wants to tell you the horror stories of someone who lost their baby. I really don't want to hear it... I have enough concerns of my own thank you very much. I don't need to be reminded of the horrible possibilities.

Anyway.. that said. Yeah.. spotting is no fun but I guess I'm ok. There's a web site I go to that mentioned that this is normal this week. The baby has implanted itself into the blood-rich uterine lining and therefore I'm showing blood. It's still freaky though. I'm really antsy for my first prenatal appointment Dec 9th.

Other than that... I'm feeling ok. Still tired a lot and the girls aren't tender yet (Yea!). I took to the treadmill with my heart rate monitor on yesterday. I walked for an hour keeping the heart rate at a safe rate for baby. The half marathon will be interesting. At least I now have a really, really good excuse for walking it instead of trying for a new PR (personal record).

I'll post more in the coming days. But for now.. it's time for another nap.

1 comment:

boohootree said...

I just sent you an email on how much I despise the bok, What to expect when you're expecting. I hated that book. Gave me nightmares and always made me feel like I had to go to the doctor. I say try something else. Or, get it and if it freaks you out like it did for me, throw it in the trash!! Love you.