I've found that a cruel trick to play on a nauseous pregnant woman is sending her to the grocery store. Nothing looks good... even the things that are on your list. And.. you walk around with this look on your face like you just tasted something rancid.
Ooh.. One thing I have found that was wonderful on the nausea... Mint Chocolate Chip shake from Baskin Robbins! That might become a pregnancy favorite!
Nicole was right though... Never ask a pregnant woman what she'd like for dinner.... It will change. What sounded good 10 minutes ago, now has no appeal. Ask her 5 minutes before the meal. She still reserves the right to change her mind after it's made too.
Other than nauseous... I'm still tired... and feeling fat. The body is swelling and storing... And I need to go shopping for some pants. I'm not sure I'm ready for preggo pants yet... but I'd love to find some kind of cargo pants that will let me expand a bit. Right now my favorites are a pair of Nike Capri pants. They sit low, expand and are comfortable. Unfortunately they ARE capris and it IS winter. Yes, it's California.. but it still gets cold.
On a cool last note... Erik and I went to Disneyland the other day. Couldn't ride any coasters, but there were plenty of other things we could do. One of the coolest things was this...
For clarification on this picture, it's a "First Visit" button, we pinned it on my lower belly, Erik wrapped his arms around me and made a heart with his hands around the button/baby area. :)
Until later.. Ciao for now! Ciao? Chow? *urp* Blehh.
1 comment:
Awww..so sweet:)
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