First of all.. we've decided on finally announcing the name. We've been too excited not to.
Braeden Mitchell Day
Isn't it just wonderful?!! We liked other names, but when we found just how popular they are... we just weren't as excited about them for our little guy. I found Braeden on a Gaelic/Irish baby names web site and just loved it. Erik came up with Mitchell. Mitchell is the name of a character in a book he's trying to get published and this character has been close to his heart for years. The name sounds wonderful... it isn't terribly popular and is yet very cool and so far very well received. Its masculine and yet compassionate. AND it's not a name he'd get his as kicked for at school! LOL
Now.. on to other news. I had an ultrasound done on Monday and Good News!!!... The placenta has in fact moved out of the way! Whoo-Hoo! And as my friend put it... "now you get to experience the joys of childbirth!" .... Oh yay. But in all seriousness, now that I know that Braeden has a much better chance of going to full term... I'll take that "joy".. even in the blistering summer heat.
Another thing about that ultrasound... last time he was quite shy and we couldn't see him all that well. Monday we got a beautiful face-shot of him and OH.. MY... GOODNESS!!! He already looks like his daddy. Seriously! The Day Men seem to have the same dramatic eyes and the same nose and it looks like little Braeden has them as well! Erik says "Poor Kid", but really.. I've always loved these features. Check out this picture. I put together Braeden... Erik as a little boy... and his father. It's unmistakable!
In other news...we've started working on converting the office to the nursery. This is not an overnight task seeing as we still use this room.. but it needs to be done and it actually feels really good. Our friend Paul and Mia are giving us their crib that their daughter is too old for now. I can't wait to get it. It will help us plan out Braeden's room and how we're decorating it.
We've started the baby registry at Babies R Us and it's amazing just how much STUFF they need. I'm trying to be lean on what we Actually need.. but even those things seem expensive and really adds up.
There seems to be days that I would think, "Wow.. I've really come a long way and don't have much longer to go!". But then yesterday I was doing the math.... I've still got 4 months!! Just when i'm feeling huge, I'll see another pregnant woman who's much further along and realize that yeah.. we've still got quite a bit of growing to do. However, I do feel that I'm going through a certain right of passage. It's getting harder to bend down, Sleeping is disturbed with either being uncomfortable or having to get up to go pee, having to pee so much now that when I go someplace I take mental note of just where exactly the bathroom is, crossing my legs and flexing my inner muscles when I sneeze so I don't pee, I've had my first random nose bleed, and I've learned to appreciate just how wonderful those ugly-but-oh-so-wonderfully-comfortable elastic bands are on maternity pants and skirts. I also think that skirts are the way to go. I've already grown out of my first pair of maternity pants. Skirts have far more stretching room and will be comfy in those months after delivery too.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my belly piercing yet. I've heard you can keep it in for some time, but it's really irritated this week. There are maternity piercings that are longer and flex with mommy's expanding belly. I just don't know what i'm going to do yet. I really don't want to lose it. I've had it for over 10 years and I'm still fond of it. But I don't know how well that belly bar will work or if i'll just get irritated by it and in a fit of hormonal irritation, just *gently* yank it out.
I'm kind of irritated with the doctor juggling at the Ob/Gyn office. I chose my doctor because I really like her.. she has wonderful bedside manor. What I didn't know when I chose that office is that she is also pregnant. She's 8 weeks ahead of me. She's also recently had to take medical leave and won't be back for a while. Now, I seem to be juggled between the doctors that are filling in for her and normally.. if I were to go to a doctor for a cold... I wouldn't mind so much. However, this is someone who needs to know my history, someone I can share my concerns with and will understand where I'm coming from, someone I can trust and who I'll feel comfortable with when that time comes to deliver the little one. The only regular there right now is the Midwife. I know she can deliver the baby... but she doesn't have hospital privileges like the doctors do. From what I've heard though, once you're in there, you barely see your doctor and you're mostly taken care of in there by the maternity nurses. Thats fine. It's just in this emotionally turbulent time, I'd like to have some consistency.
OOhh!! Completely forgot to mention... I'm totally feeling him bop around in there now. It's really kinda neat. It's not to the point where some random person can have their hand on my stomach and feel it... but if I'm laying really still... sometimes I'm lucky enough to see him kick out. I've been told to hold this time as being precious... for soon enough he'll be kicking ribs and I'll be begging for mercy. LOL.. Got a little taste of vengeance today while at the doctor's office. The midwife was pressing down significantly to be able to measure where the uterus was. Once I sat up, Braeden found my bladder and kicked at it 3 times. Each time my immediate thought was Please don't pee!. That was some rough kicking!
Thats about it for now I think. Gotta actually get some work done.
Ciao for now!
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