I'm officially at 28 weeks today. Had a check up today too. The baby is growing big and strong and according to the last 2 ultrasounds, his due date has been moved up 2 days. Not enough to go.. WOW! But I thought it was worth mentioning. So much goes on in 2 days when you're that small and still growing. I'm hoping this continues and Braeden won't be staying as long as his dad did in the womb. From what I hear though, now a days, as long as the child has been in for the full time, they will encourage being induced. They don't want the child getting so big that he causes complications in delivery.
Went for my glucose screening last week. Basically I had to go in to the lab, drink a bottle of something that tasted like flat Sprite, sit in a chair for an hour, then have blood drawn. Passed the test! YAY! If I didn't, they'd have me in for a 3 hour test. No thanks.
Erik and I started birthing classes at the hospital. We meet on Monday nights for about 5 or 6 weeks. The teacher is a professional doula. Nice gal with oodles of knowledge. If you don't know what a doula is, it's basically a trained birthing coach that you can hire to help you out before, during and after labor and she'll even come in for a couple post delivery visits to check up on you. It seems that we have a good group of about 8 couples.. all of which will be delivering way before me. While I feel huge on normal days, these ladies make me feel tiny. I know that I'll soon enough be there though. Here's Erik trying out how much weight we typically put on while pregnant. Personally, I think it needed to sit lower and they needed to wear it the entire class.. or at least for 30 min.
I've thought about taking other classes at the hospital. There's some kind of newborn care class (diapers, bathing, medical, burping.. all that kind of stuff) and a breast feeding class. I really don't know how to specifically care for a newborn but I think that I'd be able to figure it out. The breast feeding though... I know it should seem natural, but it's really not. It's a learned skill. There are various ways to hold your child that might help in feeding, there's trying to get the correct latch so you child can actually eat and not just get smothered, there's how far in and the placement of breast to child... there's even instances where the child forgets how to suck. Yes.. it seems weird that a child might forget how to do something that seems so natural, but even my friend's daughter had the hospital faked out at first. For a day or so, the little one was going through the motions, but not actually eating! Do I trust that things will naturally fall into place? or do I take a class? Don't know.
Braeden's room isn't really coming along very well right now. But then, we have a little time. I'd really like to get it cleaned out and the crib up.. but that will come in time I guess. We did have the manager remove the old nasty drapes and replace them with new blinds! THAT... already made a lovely improvement in there. Still so much to do though.
Can't really go out shopping for him yet. Stupid bills. But we have been looking at things. We've settled on a Baby Bjorn carrier that we really like for holding our little one... but while at REI, I caught Erik scoping out the big hiking carriers! LOL.
Looked at the stroller that we really want too. It's expensive, yes.. but it's really sturdy and well designed for safety while parents and child are on the go! It's a BOB jogging stroller. We figure that this will also give us a chance to get out, exercise, be able to take him with us and also instill the desire and importance of getting out and exercising (or.. having fun running as we'll call it).
I did buy him one thing though... the first thing I've bought him.... I got it while working a disaster/eco fair on the Disney Studios lot. Because we had worked that day, we were able to get a discount on stuff in their store. I saw this... and couldn't pass it up. While the Baby Disney stuff is ok, I seem to like the regular Disney stuff in mini-me size.
It's incredibly soft and so adorable.
OOhh!! Hey!! Got a new bed finally! Well, kinda. Our old mattress and box springs were so badly needing to be put out of their misery but we just couldn't see spending that kind of $$$ on getting anything new right now. Started talking with a friend of ours and it turns out that for the past 6 years she's had a King sized mattress and box springs just sitting, taking up space in her storage unit that she just didn't know what to do with! I'm so thankful to her and her S.O. for helping us out like that. So now we have a practically brand new bed and I'm sleeping so much better now and I can also get up easier out of it too!! To Grant & Sherilyn... THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I can not thank you enough! THANK YOU!
In other news... I just found out that the Los Angeles U2 concert is sold out. I'm both sad and relieved. I would have loved to have gotten tickets... I just couldn't see spending the cash right now. So, by it being sold out, it's a little less depressing knowing that I can't get tickets anyway.
That's really about it for now. If anything else comes to mind, I'll let you know.
Ciao for now!